Legendary director Nick Zedd (US) at BUTFF 2011!
Nick Zedd (US), the man behind Cinema of Transgression, is the guest of honor at BUTFF 2011.
Zedd, along with fellow directors such as Richard Kern and Lydia Lunch, made shocking films filled with sex, violence and black humor. Starting in 2003 he created the televisionseries Electra Elf, a parody of superheroes Electra Elf, in collaboration with Rev. Jen Miller, who’s also the lead actress in the series.
The New York filmmaker and artist made numerous lowbudgetmovies with titles that will add to the cultreputation of the BUTFF, likeThey Eat Scum (1979) and Geek Maggot Bingo (1983). BUTFF will celebrate the main guest with a retrospective of his work and a programm of short films from another important filmmovement of the seventies and eighties that emerged from the Punkscene: No Wave.
The documentery YOU KILLED UNDERGROUND FILM (2002-2006) by Wilhelm Hein will show the connection between these two movements. In his flood of images from the progressive, independent undergrounworld Hein shows a lot of famous stars. Wilhelm Hein will attend the festival.
Nick Zedd
Founder of Manifest Cinema of Transgression
Nick Zedd (1) Police state
The Bogus Man, Thrust in me, Police State, Ecstacy in Entropy, Tom Thumb and Lord of
Nick Zedd (3) Electra Elf
3 episodes of Electra Elf.
Onstage discussion
Onstage discussionA panel discussion.
Nick Zedd (2) War is menstrual envy
Nick zedd (2) triple 16mm projection ao. War is menstrual envy
Nick Zedd (2) War is Menstrual Envy
The second block by Nick Zedd will definately become legendary, even according to the BUTFF standards.
Nick Zedd (3) Electra Elf
United States, 105 min, Language English, no subtitles